Did a tribal today and yesterday I continued on my brothers stars... the tribal one was a pain in the ass. (dont mind the crappy quality webcampic my bro took of the tattoo, it doesnt do it true justice tbh)
Finally I could tattoo someone, lil bro wanted some stars, but only did one now, gonna be 2 more on the arm, and some color as well later on, when I have money to order some colors x)
rough sketchy doodle thing, not done very well but i just wanted to get done with it, didnt really like the pose, so gonna see if i can redo her and not be so lazy wiht the lines next time...
anyways, this is irena magdalena, got a scrap on her on deviant - only thing that changed is that shes no spacecop anymore, shes a slightly mentally disturb mercenary, a bit of shizofrenia too... but she doesnt know it, so shh.
woke up very hungry, so sat down, started doodle while chewing on some sandwiches and sipping tea and talking with sweet elina.
well this is what came out, not the greatest fanciest, but its something...cellshading is kinda fun, and easy, should continue more with that i think...